Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Favorite Things #6

These are two things, but I'm counting them as one for #6. How do I get my updo to stay up without 99 bobby pins and a can of ozone-depleting hairspray? Goody Modern Updo Pin or Spin Pins.
I love having long hair, but more often than not, wear it up. I bought the Updo Pin first on a whim while shopping for face wash cloths. I had it for two days and loved it, but somehow lost it while holding it in my hand and walking to the car. ???
When I went back to buy another one, I saw the Spin Pins and thought if the first one worked so well I'd also give those a shot. They're fantastic! You can take it out and re-do your hair in less than thirty seconds.
If you have ever had the airport security alarm go off because of your bobby pins (Okay, as the day-after bridesmaid who was too tired to remove them all) or are planning a cinematic slow motion let-your-hair-down-and-shake-it move, you will appreciate this.